1945 - 1949

At the Yalta Conference, Allied Powers resolve the division of Germany into four occupation zones. According to the Four Power Agreement, Berlin is also being divided into four sectors. Due to diverging implementations of the Allies’ post-war politics, the increasingly isolated sectors drift apart more and more. In June 1948, the western sectors undertake a currency reform, whereupon Soviet allies block access roads to West Berlin at first, and later on, even the entire town.

Candy Bombers

With the so-called Berlin Blockade, Western Allies are supposed to be forced to refrain from founding a sovereign German state. On the initiative of the USA, the so-called Berlin Airlift is formed. So-called candy bombers, which Berliners humorously referred to as ‘raisin bombers’, throw off care packages with daily necessities and sweets, and thus, resurrect the sustenance of West Berlin.


First advertisements appear – often, cheap substitute products like margarine or detergents are being advertised. The image of an intact family or of special foods is a wishful dream for many people in the post-war period.

Missing Person Posting Walls

On missing person posting walls, mainly women are seeking their spouses and relatives who were lost without trace during and after the war.

Rubble Women

Rubble women are the symbol for the resurrection and the German’s will to survive in the post-war period. Clearing rubble guarantees them a higher food ration. Officially, they are referred to as "unskilled construction workers".

Water Supply

During the war, virtually all water lines were destroyed. Water can only be supplied with horse-pulled water carts, with buckets drawn from wells, or straight from street hydrants.