2000 - 2009

Hartz IV

In 2015 Hartz IV is introduced, providing basic social security for jobseekers. It is one of the most fundamental social reforms in Germany‘s post-war history. It goes back to the "Agenda 2010“ of the then-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Despite sinking unemployment figures, the new reform cannot solve the problem of long-term unemployment in Germany.

Football World Cup is held in Germany

In the summer of 2006, the football World Cup is held in Germany with the slogan "A time to make friends“. Achieving third place, Germany is considered the winner of hearts. The cheerful hospitality captivates millions of people from home and abroad in the "summer fairytale".

Financial crisis

The financial crisis reaches its peak with the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers on September 15th, 2008. For the first time since the Second World War, the real gross domestic product of economically developed countries shrinks. This also has considerable negative economic consequences in Germany.

September 11th, 20014

The backpack, the robot, and the police barriers are reminiscent of the attacks of September 11th, 20014, and their consequences for Germany and people‘s everyday lives. Terrorists from the Al-Qaeda network use passenger planes to carry out attacks in New York and Washington. Several thousand people die.

Far-right terrorist group "National Socialist Underground“ (NSU)

The far-right terrorist group "National Socialist Underground“ (NSU) carries out xenophobic attacks and murders. Starting in 2000, they kill a total of ten people. All of whom are people with a migrant background and a policewoman. The discovery of the NSU in November 2011 brought to light a new dimension of right-wing terrorism in Germany. It also exposes major mistakes by the investigating security authorities.

“Stolpersteine” (Stumbling Stones)

“Stolpersteine” (Stumbling Stones) are memorial plaques made of brass by the artist Gunter Demnig. They commemorate the fate of people who were persecuted and murdered during the National Socialist era. They are placed in front of their last address before deportation. Stolpersteine exist in many cities in Germany as well as in 30 other European countries. They are considered the largest decentralized memorial in the world.

Euro as their currency

The Federal Republic of Germany and eleven other member states of the European Union introduce the euro as their currency on January 1st, 2002. 320 million people now use coins and bills of the first common European currency. By 2023, 20 countries use the euro as a means of payment.

Part of the course of the Berlin Wall

Small cobblestones mark part of the course of the Berlin Wall throughout the city. At times crossing the road. At certain intervals, the inscription "Berlin Wall 1961-1989“ can be read on metal plaques in the ground.