The Green Party
"Let's go to Green Land"
This diorama is divided into a rural and an urban area while showcasing the core themes of Green politics on one square meter. In the 'New Green Social Contract', their programme for the federal election in 2009, they give answers to the crises of our time – and keep looking forward! Climate, employment, justice and education belong together in their opinion. These are the challenges they
wish to face. The Green diorama shows a vision of a world where things are different from today – more equal, freer, (climate-) friendlier. However, what the Green Party designed here is not a Utopia! In their future, for instance, there are still people in need, to whom solutions are offered to free themselves from their situation.
Train and Bus Station, Electric Charging Station
An intelligent combination of all means of transportation can be seen here. Customer needs are respected and it is affordable for everyone. Mobility is possible in a climate- and environmentally friendly way and often without the use of an automobile!
Modernization of old Buildings
The energy-efficient modernisation of old buildings as part of a forward-looking energy policy. This attracts business for skilled crafts and trades as well as for mid-sized companies and is good for the climate ("Green New Deal"). It is one of the components for creating 1 million new jobs – which, of course, include a statutory minimum wage.