The Green Party

"For a green transition"

With BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN party members decide: Out of 58 key projects of the new electoral manifesto, 9 government priorities were determined, which DIE GRÜNEN would handle first in a government participation. These are projects to turn Germany into a more modern, just, and ecological country: 1. 100 percent renewable energy – for a fair energy transition in the citizen’s hands |  2. Ending factory farming – a new animal laws for humane animal husbandry. | 3. Ecologic growth is not the measure of all things – new indications for wealth and quality of life | 4. Abandon low wages – implement universal minimum wages. | 5. Abolish two-class medical treatment – ONE citizen’s insurance for all | 6. Reorganize the financial market – a debt brake for banks | 7. No arms exports at the expense of human rights – decree on arms exports | 8. Disestablish child care subsidies – develop better day care centers | 9. Decisively oppose right-wing extremism – systematically promote projects opposing right-wing extremism | What do these priorities mean specifically? How would they impact everyday life? The answers are hidden in our diorama. Have fun exploring and discovering.

Green Energy in Citizens' Hands

Energy from wind, sun, water, and biomass – that’s the clean future! Until 2030 we want to cover our energy requirements to 100 % with renewable energy sources. Small businesses, cooperatives, and municipal works will generate most of the power. This is energy transition in citizen’s hand – thus, we’ll be fit for the future.

Quality of Life

Is the growth of the gross domestic product an indicator for our wealth and quality of life? – No, it is a mere addition of goods and services brought forth by the national economy. It does not reveal much about people’s contentment with life. We aim to measure the life quality in order to steer the developments in our country into a positive direction.

um die Entwicklung in unserem Land besser zu steuern.

Minimum Wage

We demand general minimum wages of at least 8.50 € . The precise figure will be determined by a minimum wage commission set together from unions, employers’ associations, as well as scientists. Employment must be worth the effort, and workers should not be dependent on additional government help because of dumping wages.


Today, people with high incomes can switch from the statutory health insurance to private ones where they receive privileged medical treatment. It’s unfair and shows a lack of solidarity. Our alternative is he green citizen’s insurance. It will include everyone: statutory and privately insured, officials, and free-lancers. We will terminate the two-class medical treatment system in our health care system.

Ending Industrial Farming

The suffering of animals held in factory farming is terrible, and the large amounts of cheap meat can only be produced by using massive antibiotics – with considerable risks to our health. We, Die Grünen, will no longer tolerate it. Intensive livestock farming must no longer be subsidized, and the abuse of antibiotics must be stopped.

Regulation of Financial Markets

Badly regulated financial markets have led the world into an epic financial and economic crisis. Despite this fact, banks and hedgefonds are still not being controlled more effectively. Next to a European bank union with a clear-cut supervision, we need bank financed rescue funds, and most of all a compulsory debt brake for banks. Die Grünen want to rearrange the capital markets.

Fighting Racism

Racism, intolerance, anti-Semitism, hostility towards Muslims, Sinte, and Romani people, transphobia and homophobia – all these are expressions of group-focused enmity. We have no place for that in our society. We are decidedly opposing this kind of demeanour. Therefore, we promote projects for a civil society.

To Parlay Day

We want to develop good day care accommodations fast. Families are only able to choose how to bring up their children, if there’re day care accommodations available to everyone who wants one. We want nationwide quality standards and more skilled professionals in day care facilities.