Social Responsibility
It is important to us to give something back from our success. Therefore, wonderland is involved in many ways for people who are disadvantaged.
What social responsibility means to us
Social responsibility is very important to the Wunderland. We try to handle this topic with special care and the utmost respect, as we help people in need, or who are going through tough times. Ever since the beginning, giving back to society came naturally to us. For example, we have managed to donate € 951,084.00 (date: December 20, 2024) through our donation pins and magnets so far.
How do we get involved?
The Miniatur Wunderland tries to help daily, without drawing too much attention to it. This is a selection of the projects we've realized in the last few years.
Donation Pins and Magnets
Through the sale of our donation pins and magnets, we are supporting a different non-profit organization every month. In total, we already managed to collect € 951,084.00 (date: December 20, 2024).
“I can’t afford it!”
This was the motto under which we invited persons who normally cannot afford a visit to Wunderland to visit us for free on 16 selected days in January 2015. We are very pleased to say that over 10,000 persons followed this invitation.
Aktion Deutschland hilft e.V.
We are supporting the German non-profit organization “Aktion Deutschland hilft e.V.” through many different projects. In 2005 for example, the Wunderland founders Gerrit, Frederik and Stephan gave private guided tours in order to help the victims of the tsunami.
Aid for Haiti
Additionally, we supported Haiti after the big earthquake in 2010 sustainably. Through ticket sales, special actions, donation pins and private donations, we were able to help with the reconstruction of a hospital in Haiti. After we visited the city of Port-au-Prince twice to see where help was needed most, we initiated two special donation actions: The auctioning off of parts of the Wunderland and a special screening of the movie “Avatar” in 3D. Within the auction, Wunderland fans were able to purchase a moving truck, a loco, a ship or a mountain in Miniatur Wunderland. In order to hold the special screening of “Avatar” in 3D, we rented screen 1 of the Cinemaxx Dammtor with almost 1,000 seats. All of the proceeds of the ticket sales also went to Haiti.