Preiser Fernglas Mann

E-mobility in Wunderland: New miniature charging stations

Electromobility has moved into Miniatur Wunderland with new charging parks.

It might seem that the cars in Wunderland have been electric since day one. However, as a real-world model, it was time to integrate e-cars and the associated charging stations into the model landscape in a targeted manner.

On Thursday, the time had come and we also launched the energy transition in miniature format: Together with EnBW, we built five fast-charging parks true to the original over a period of three months.

Nico Rosberg and Volker Rimpler from EnBW were guests at the opening of the charging stations. The former Formula 1 world champion did not miss the opportunity to take a look at the Formula 1 circuit in Monaco. Formula e races will also be held here in addition to Formula 1.

The largest charging park, including a solar roof, a small store and toilets, can be found in the Central Germany section. There are other locations near the airport, in Knuffingen and at the Volksparkstadion in Hamburg.


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