For more than two long months, Miniatur Wunderland had now been closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since May 20, 2020 we are finally open again - of course under Covid-19 conditions.
Day and night we worked on a solution how to make the exhibition area safe for the guests without compromising the visitor experience. The result is a creative system for the observance of distance rules - the so-called Wunderland Road Traffic Regulations. For this, a specially created, kilometre-long road system had to be glued to the ground. 5 kilometres of differently coloured adhesive tape, 500 metres of large foil and over 600 traffic signs ensure that the important and serious rules are adhered to in a playful manner. With one-way streets, regulated dead ends, roundabouts, railroad crossings and many other things that in real life ensure the right distance in a learned way.
In a major stress test, this road network was put through its paces. The stress test was closely observed and evaluated. At the end of a nerve-racking day, it was clear: Miniatur Wunderland can reopen with a good conscience with a capacity reduced to about 25%. It was important to us not to reopen on the devil's own - we just wanted to do it with the good feeling that we can guarantee our visitors the best possible protection in our exhibition.
There is still a very long way to go. Even with the opening with 20% capacity, Miniatur Wunderland will not be able to generate enough revenue to even come close to covering the costs of a minimum operation. But with the opening at least some of the employees can be brought back from short-time work. However, for the time being, there will be no room for further construction of the wonderful building sections Monaco, Provence and South America, so that more than 100 of the "creating" Wunderland employees will have to remain on short-time work. It is so paradoxical that our Wunderland employees are so eager to continue building and we would like to give them a perspective, but our emergency pot, especially filled for exceptional situations, should reach into next year. In such a crisis, it would be so good for us and for Hamburg if the new construction phases could quickly generate great enthusiasm. But we are now miles away from that if no solutions are found.
Due to the greatly reduced capacity, it is unfortunately not possible for us at present to open up even close to cost-covering. Therefore we had to increase the entrance fee symbolically by 2.50 Euro per guest until we reach a realistic capacity again. So at least the monthly loss will be lower than if we do not open. The huge advantage: Never again will you be able to visit the Wunderland so empty ;-)
We do not know how long these restrictions will apply. As soon as we reach our old capacity again, we'll reduce the entrance fee. So if you are currently planning to visit us well in the future, it might be better to book later, as we currently have to charge Corona prices for all tickets, no matter at what time you want to visit us. We simply do not know when the situation will return to normal.
We hope for your understanding. Otherwise our beloved Wunderland would remain closed.
Everything you need to know about visiting Miniatur Wunderland in days of Covid-19
- A visit can be booked from May 20, 2020 on. The booking system is already activated again.
- We drastically reduced the amount of guests who are at the Wunderland at the same time so that only about 20% of the actual capacity is used.
- In order to be able to guarantee the best possible keeping of distance, we have worked out a Wunderland road traffic regulation, with which you will be introduced at the beginning of your visit here on site. Don't worry - it is not complicated and there is no driving test!
- Until further notice, the Wunderland road traffic regulation will guide our guests as a circuit through the exhibition.
- It hurts our hearts, but unfortunately we currently do not recommend a visit with small children. It is important for a visit with children that they are able to keep the currently important distance rules. When assessing whether this is already the case with our own children, we place our trust in all parents. As tempting as a fun visit to Wunderland may be after such a long period of isolation - please consider carefully and keep the well-being of all visitors in mind. If we may provide a recommendation: Under the age of 8, it's rather difficult at the moment.
- The generally applicable Covid-19 rules will of course also apply to us - in other words: special hand hygiene must be ensured, the minimum distance of 1.50 meters from other visitors and employees must always be kept and if this is not possible, mouth-nose-protection must be worn in our building.
- A few important words regarding the mouth-nose-protection: At Miniatur Wunderland it is absolutely necessary to wear a mouth and nose protection during your visit. This may not be very comfortable, but in this case you are not doing it for yourself, but for the others. Therefore, we absolutely have to insist on this. For those who cannot wear a "mask" for health reasons, the obligation to cover your mouth and nose still applies in the form of a visor. If you do not have such a thing, you can also purchase the visor from us on site. The same applies of course to the classic "masks". All those who are not willing to wear such a protection during their visit, unfortunately have to refrain from a visit at the moment and postpone their trip to Miniatur Wunderland to a time after Covid-19.
- At the moment guided tours are not possible.
- The cloakroom is currently closed. However, free lockers are available where you can safely store your clothes and valuables. You may have to be patient here, as our lockers are quite narrow and we have to take care that the rules of distance also apply there.
- Our cafeteria is open! Even if our selection of dishes is a little reduced due to the lower number of visitors, we are still happy to provide you with food and drinks. And to be honest: In the current difficult situation we are happy about every guest who eats at our place :-) Here you can already take a look at our menu.
- Our parking lot is also open as usual.
If you had planned a visit before May 20th, we are so sorry. We would have liked to have welcomed you here in Wunderland. Your ticket will of course not expire and we hope that you will visit us very soon after the Corona tower has died down. You can find all information about ticket exchange and refunds and all other information in our Corona FAQ.
You can find detailed information about how a visit to the Wunderland will look like in days of Covid-19 here.