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Wunderland-Update #29: Colorful scenes on the layout

An exciting update from Wunderland awaits you!

The Eurocup is almost over, but the fan parades and motorcades have also arrived at our installation. We show you our favourite football and Eurocup scenes in the Wunderland up close.

Then a new aircraft lands at Knuffingen Airport: Condor's A321 Neo, also known as the Ringelsocke, is the latest addition to our fleet and is christened accordingly.
At the same time, we are also looking towards Monaco. A very special ship is anchored there, namely the Aldebaran. We show you how the research and sailing ship was constructed, how Tanja built it and how Holger illuminated it. If you would like more information about Aldebaran or would like to support the project, visit
Wunderland has also been travelling. At the Democracy Festival in Berlin, 75 years of the German Basic Law were celebrated and we had the great honour of exhibiting our special exhibition "The Divided City" there for visitors. Have fun!😊