Dialog in the Dark
This exhibition displays scents, sounds and feelings in a whole new way!
This exhibition displays scents, sounds and feelings in a whole new way!
The idea is simple: In absolutely darkened rooms blind tour guides will lead small groups through an exhibition of roughly 400 m². The exhibition comprises of scent, wind, temperature, sound and texture. Equipped with white sticks and led by your guide you will experience being in a park or at a cafe in a brand new way. Everyday life situations become completely new experiences without vision. It is a role reversal: People with eye sight are taken out of their daily routine and usual perception whereas blind people provide orientation and mobility and become ambassadors of a culture void of pictures.
General information
Dialoghaus Hamburg GmbH
Dialog im Dunkeln®
Dialog im Stillen®
Alter Wandrahm 4
20457 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40/ 30 96 34-0
Fax: +49 40/ 30 96 34-56
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00 h
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00 h
Sundays/holidays: 10:00 - 17:00 h
It is mandatory to make a reservation at the following number:
040-3096340 (Ortstarif)
Or order tickets online at the ticketshop.